Liver tumour immune microenvironment subtypes and neutrophil heterogeneity

The heterogeneity of tumor immune microenvironment (TIME), organized by various immune and stromal cells, is a major cause of tumor metastasis and drug resistance, but how different TIME subtypes are connected to the clinical relevance in liver cancer remains elusive. Here, we performed single cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) on 189 samples collected from 124 patients and 8 mice with liver cancer. With over a million of cells analyzed, we stratified patients into five TIME subtypes including immune activation, suppression mediated by myeloid or by stromal cells, exclusion, and residence phenotypes. Different TIME subtypes appeared to be organized by specific cell populations, associated with chemokine networks and driver genes. Notably, within myeloid cell-enriched TIME subtype, tumor-associated neutrophil (TAN) populations, including one highly expressing macrophage-recruiting chemokines, CCL3 and CCL4, and another with high expression of the immune checkpoint CD274, were significantly associated with unfavorable prognosis. Both ex vivo analyses of patient neutrophils isolated from multiple tissue types and in vivo neutrophil depletion in mouse tumor models showed that TANs could recruit macrophages and suppress cytotoxicity of T cells. With this detailed cellular heterogeneity landscape of liver cancer, our study illustrates diverse TIME subtypes, highlights immunosuppressive functions of TANs, and sheds light on novel immunotherapies targeting TANs.

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2. Select dataset


3. Gene input


*,One gene per line and three genes one time are recommended.

Umap plot of select genes in the selected dataset

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Markers of cell clusters

Dotheatmap of canonical cluster markers

Cluster distribution across samples

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2. Group and plot

3. Result

Cluster distribution across samples

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Summary of TIMELASER

Including key cell subpopulation, marker genes, TIME-related signatures and prognosis.

Cytokine and interaction enriched in each TIMELASER subtype


This data portal is based on framework scDVA (short for single cell RNA-seq data visualization and analyzation).

This framework is developed by Qi Cao ( of Ning Zhang's lab, Peking University.


Xue et al. Liver tumour immune microenvironment subtypes and neutrophil heterogeneity. Nature, 2022.

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